What is stucco made of?
- Since cement based stucco absorbs water, what protects the wooden substrate?
- Can stucco be used to form a roof?
- Is waterproof stucco superior to weather- resistant stucco?
- Will conventional stucco cause rot like waterproof, acrylic or painted stucco?
- Can I paint stucco? If so, with what? If not, how do I clean it
or change the colour?
- Can you use a pressure washer on a stucco surface?
- What if the stucco won’t come clean? What if I want to change the colour of the stucco?
- What about venting in stucco walls?
- What kind of flashings should stucco have?
- Why are window sill flashings among the most important flashings on the house?
- What are compression/ expansion joints? What are their purposes? What are
their weaknesses?
- What are the weaknesses of balconies/decks and what can be done to protect them?
- Why does stucco crack? What are the worst kinds of cracks, and how should they be treated?
- What should be looked for when considering testing a stucco building?
- What kind of testing do you recommend for stucco moisture testing?
- Is stucco suitable on our wet west coast? How long does it last? How thick should it be?
- Can stucco be refinished or over-coated? What can be
done if it is already painted?
- What has caused so many ‘leaky condos’ and buildings?
- Why are so many buildings having the stucco or cladding torn off after just a few years?
- Is a total tear off and rain
screen option the only answer
to envelope weaknesses?
- How does the Water Management System work?
problem apply to private
detached housing?
2. What is the history of stucco…its formation and
its finishing?
3. Since cement based stucco absorbs water, what
protects the wooden substrate?
4. Can stucco be used to form a roof?
6. Is waterproof stucco superior to weather- proof
7. Will conventional stucco cause rot like
waterproof, acrylic or painted stucco?
8. Can I paint stucco, if so with what? If not, how do
I clean it or change the colour?
9. Can you use a pressure washer on a stucco
10. What if the stucco won’t come clean? What if I
want to change the colour of the stucco?
11. What about venting in stucco walls?
12. What kind of flashings should stucco have?
13. Why are the window sill flashings among the
most important flashings on the house?
14. What are compression joints? What is their
purpose? What are their weaknesses?
15. What are the weaknesses of balconies/decks
and what can be done to protect them?
16. Why does stucco crack? What are the worst
kinds of cracks, and how should they be
17. What should be looked for when considering
testing a stucco building?
23. Is a total tear off and rain screen option the only
answer to envelope weaknesses?
18. What kind of testing do you recommend for
stucco moisture testing?
19. Is stucco suitable on our wet west coast? How
long does it last? How thick should it be?
20. Can stucco be refinished or over-coated? What can be done if it is already painted?
21. What has caused so many ‘leaky condos’ and
22. Why are so many buildings having the stucco or cladding torn off after just a few years?
24. How does the Water Management System
25. Does the ‘leaky condo’ problem apply to private detached housing?